Therapie Clinic

Skin Treatments


Free Skin Analysis


Learn more about your skin at a deeper level with Thérascan at Thérapie Clinic. This state-of-the-art skin analysis system is designed to detect early signs of ageing, diagnose your unique skin concerns, and deliver a personalised skincare routine tailored just for you.

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Advance Skin Analysis For Precise Care

Exclusive to Thérapie Clinic

Advance Skin Analysis For Precise Care

Therascan uses cutting-edge digital imagery combined with RGB visible light, polarised light, and UV spectrum imaging to clinically assess both the surface and subsurface of your skin. This revolutionary technology reveals critical information about your skin, such as wrinkle depth, pore size, UV damage, pigmentation, skin age, and much more, allowing us to tailor the most effective treatment plan for you.

Whether you're unsure of your skin type, looking to prevent future damage from ageing or UV exposure, or hoping to track the effectiveness of treatments like Potenza, the Thérascan analyser provides the insights you need to take control of your skin’s health.

Treatment length

Treatment length

20-75 mins

Session frequency

Session frequency

4-8 weeks

Duration of results

Duration of results

Immediate & long-term

Results seen

Results seen

After one session

Frequently Asked Questions