Why you need laser this Black Friday

Laser Hair removal for legs

First things first, what is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a progressive process achieving cumulative results over several sessions. It is a process of hair removal by exposing the hair follicle in its growth phase to pulses of light from a laser, the exposure to the laser destroys the hair follicle and over a number of sessions (usually 6-10 sessions) the hair will be permanently removed.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

1. There are so many treatable areas

At Thérapie Clinic we offer laser hair removal for the whole body. Laser hair removal doesn’t have to be limited to only the legs or underarms. We can treat most areas of the body such as bikini (we’re talking whatever you want, normal, Brazilian or Hollywood style) – as well as the face (including the sides, brow, jawline and neck), forearms, back, stomach, nipples, hands and feet. In other words, there are very few areas on your body that can’t have laser hair removal. Talk about being spoilt for choice!

2. The process is super time efficient and easy

While the time taken to treat each area varies the lasers work very quickly. This is especially the case when compared to the traditional means of hair removal such as shaving or waxing. Small areas such as the lip can take a couple of minutes, which is perfect if you fancy popping in on your lunch break, while larger areas including the back can take up to an hour. An hour may sound like a long time but when you compare it to the time you would spend removing the hair yourself, it’s nothing (and it’s considerably less painful than waxing).

3. Freedom of never having to wax or shave again!

The freedom that comes with laser hair removal is next to none. You won’t have to stress about shaving or planning your wax appointment for every little occasion. With laser hair removal you never have to worry about performing a hair removal routine every time you want to show off your skin.

When should you get Laser Hair Removal?

You can start your laser hair removal journey at any time of the year. However, if you are looking to be hair free for 2023, the best time to get laser to ensure you are hair free for summer is right now. Not to mention we are currently running our up to 75% off Black Friday Sale – Laser Hair Removal prices have never been so low! It’s time to take the plunge and start your laser hair removal journey today – you won’t regret it!

Customer Favourite Packages in our Black Friday Sale

💜 Underarms – from €14.95 per session

💜 Bikini & Underarm – from €24.95 per session

💜 Lower legs, any bikini & underarm – from €74.95 per session

💜 Full legs, any bikini & underarm – from €79.95 per session

💜 Check out all of our amazing laser hair removal offers here!

Booking your treatment is a straightforward process. Choose between booking your consultation online, or calling us on 01 2238180. Alternatively, download our app, available in your app store. Our doors are open and we cannot wait to meet you!